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about me

Hi! I'm Chris, a photographer, former consultant, entrepreneur and passionate sailor from Jena / Germany.

Just in case you are curious, here’s a bit of what happened in the last couple of years.

I grew up in Jena, took a trip to the UK after school and came back to Germany to study technology & management.
At about the same time, I started to get serious about photography and gradually financed my studies. I did a lot of press photography jobs, sports and studio shoots. Around that time I got to know a German-Ugandan development aid association, for which I volunteered 10 years as a board member. Over the years, I spent several months in Uganda. In addition to the joint content-related work around the construction of a farm, school, health centre and income-generating projects, I shot some documentaries that have been published in an annual photo calendar to finance the overhead costs of the organisation.

After graduation, I went where I never wanted to go - to a management consultancy - but luckily to a very cool one that was very different from the usual suspects. I moved to Frankfurt (Main) and had the pleasure of working with lots of really cool people from very different companies and industries, optimising processes and designing new products and services all over Germany and Europe.

In parallel, in 2015 I did what I had planned with good friends way back in the schoolyard: We founded our own startup. We always wanted to bring cool ideas to life and have been building individual online platforms with our team ever since. That's what brought me back to Jena.

Apart from taking care of our now settled company, I'm trying to take photos more often again.

Whenever possible, I try to combine it with "sea time" and sailing. I started sailing in 2007 and since then I have been transferring boats from their summer berth to winter storage (and back) 1-2 times a year, usually with friends on board.

If you are keen on standing in front of the camera or having a chat on any of the other topics, you are more than welcome to drop me a message :)

Looking very much forward to it!
Cheers, CHRIS

PS: Please find my contact data here.

Ride in a Matatu (minibus) | Photo documentary for the NGOs "Give a Goat - Uganda" and "Schenke eine Ziege" in Germany (Photo: Jan Christian Waitschies | - Realizzato con Pictrs.comGespräch mit Bundespräsident a. D. Prof. Dr. Horst Köhler | Gespräch zwischen Bundespräsident a. D. Prof. Dr. Horst Köhler (mitte) und den beiden Vereinsvorständen Jan Christian Waitschies (links) und Robert Wunderlich (rechts) des gemeinnützigen Vereins "Schenke eine Ziege e.V."  an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Photo: Jan Christian Waitschies | - Realizzato con Pictrs.comWhitewater Rafting on the White Nile | Photo documentary for the NGOs "Give a Goat - Uganda" and "Schenke eine Ziege" in Germany (Photo: Jan Christian Waitschies | - Realizzato con Pictrs.comGruppenfoto mit Preisverleihungs-Gala-Moderator Kai Pflaume | Gruppenfoto mit Moderator Kai Pflaume und einem Teil des ausgezeichneten "Schenke eine Ziege e.V."-Teams am Rande der Preisverleihung zur "Goldenen Bild der Frau" und des Leserpreises "Königin der Leserherzen" (v.l.n.r. Jan Christian Waitschies | Vorstand, Tina Truckenmüller | Vorstand, Kai Pflaume | Gala-Moderator, Lisa Meier | Vorstand, Vanessa Velte | Ehrenvorsitzende, Johannes Schlenker | Freund) - Realizzato con Pictrs.comStanding on both hemispheres on the Ugandan equator | Photo documentary for the NGOs "Give a Goat - Uganda" and "Schenke eine Ziege" in Germany (Photo: Jan Christian Waitschies | - Realizzato con Pictrs.comLast photo before departure at Entebbe Airport (Uganda) | Photo documentary for the NGOs "Give a Goat - Uganda" and "Schenke eine Ziege" in Germany (Photo: Jan Christian Waitschies | - Realizzato con Pictrs.comLive-Interview im MDR | Interview von "Schenke eine Ziege e.V."-Vereinsvorstand Jan Christian Waitschies und Ziegenbock Günther in der MDR-Sendung "Vor Ort um 4" live vom "Tag der Sachsen" in Freiberg - Realizzato con Pictrs.comSailing trip | Online photo gallery by Jan Christian Waitschies (Jena / Germany) 
Entrepreneur | Sailor | Photographer 
Galleries: People | Documentary | Sports | Sea | Landscape - Realizzato con Pictrs.comSailing trip | Online photo gallery by Jan Christian Waitschies (Jena / Germany) 
Entrepreneur | Sailor | Photographer 
Galleries: People | Documentary | Sports | Sea | Landscape - Realizzato con Pictrs.comSailing trip | Online photo gallery by Jan Christian Waitschies (Jena / Germany) 
Entrepreneur | Sailor | Photographer 
Galleries: People | Documentary | Sports | Sea | Landscape - Realizzato con Pictrs.comSailing trip | Online photo gallery by Jan Christian Waitschies (Jena / Germany) 
Entrepreneur | Sailor | Photographer 
Galleries: People | Documentary | Sports | Sea | Landscape - Realizzato con Pictrs.comSailing trip - Birthday breakfast for a crew member | Online photo gallery by Jan Christian Waitschies (Jena / Germany) 
Entrepreneur | Sailor | Photographer 
Galleries: People | Documentary | Sports | Sea | Landscape - Realizzato con Pictrs.comSailing trip - Night sailing | Online photo gallery by Jan Christian Waitschies (Jena / Germany) 
Entrepreneur | Sailor | Photographer 
Galleries: People | Documentary | Sports | Sea | Landscape - Realizzato con Pictrs.comSailing trip | Online photo gallery by Jan Christian Waitschies (Jena / Germany) 
Entrepreneur | Sailor | Photographer 
Galleries: People | Documentary | Sports | Sea | Landscape - Realizzato con Pictrs.comSailing trip | Online photo gallery by Jan Christian Waitschies (Jena / Germany) 
Entrepreneur | Sailor | Photographer 
Galleries: People | Documentary | Sports | Sea | Landscape - Realizzato con Pictrs.comSailing trip | Online photo gallery by Jan Christian Waitschies (Jena / Germany) 
Entrepreneur | Sailor | Photographer 
Galleries: People | Documentary | Sports | Sea | Landscape - Realizzato con Pictrs.comBusiness shooting | Online photo gallery by Jan Christian Waitschies (Jena / Germany) 
Entrepreneur | Sailor | Photographer 
Galleries: People | Documentary | Sports | Sea | Landscape - Realizzato con Pictrs.comSailing trip | Online photo gallery by Jan Christian Waitschies (Jena / Germany) 
Entrepreneur | Sailor | Photographer 
Galleries: People | Documentary | Sports | Sea | Landscape - Realizzato con Pictrs.comPartytime at Jumeirah Beach | La Futura Dubai 2017: annual event of La Futura Global Trend Network (Photo: Jan Christian Waitschies | - Realizzato con Pictrs.comTesting the new digital flipchart Samsung Flip | Testing the new digital flipchart "Samsung Flip" on the Samsung European Roadshow 2018 - Realizzato con Pictrs.comSailing trip - Crew picture | Online photo gallery by Jan Christian Waitschies (Jena / Germany) 
Entrepreneur | Sailor | Photographer 
Galleries: People | Documentary | Sports | Sea | Landscape - Realizzato con Pictrs.comMeeting time in Uganda | Photo documentary for the NGOs "Give a Goat - Uganda" and "Schenke eine Ziege" in Germany (Photo: Jan Christian Waitschies | - Realizzato con Pictrs.comGreat conversations on the long coach rides through Uganda | Photo documentary for the NGOs "Give a Goat - Uganda" and "Schenke eine Ziege" in Germany (Photo: Jan Christian Waitschies | - Realizzato con Pictrs.comGreat conversations on the long coach rides through Uganda | Photo documentary for the NGOs "Give a Goat - Uganda" and "Schenke eine Ziege" in Germany (Photo: Jan Christian Waitschies | - Realizzato con Pictrs.comPresentation at the annual kick-off of the PayPal DEATCH Team | Presentation at the annual kick-off of the PayPal Teams of Germany, Austria and Switzerland in Berlin. - Realizzato con Pictrs.comSailing trip - Sunset shooting on the island of Hiddensee | Online photo gallery by Jan Christian Waitschies (Jena / Germany) 
Entrepreneur | Sailor | Photographer 
Galleries: People | Documentary | Sports | Sea | Landscape - Realizzato con Pictrs.comSailing trip - Crew picture | Online photo gallery by Jan Christian Waitschies (Jena / Germany) 
Entrepreneur | Sailor | Photographer 
Galleries: People | Documentary | Sports | Sea | Landscape - Realizzato con